Live Events

Baroque Music and Culture

There is an old Roman expression:  Nemo dat quod non habet, “No one gives what he doesn’t have.”  In the legal world, this phrase refers to the principle that one cannot dispose of  property that doesn’t legally belong to you.  But this phrase also has important cultural implications. 

In his book “Culture Counts: Faith & Feeling in a World Besieged,” British philosopher Sir Roger Scruton argues that “the musical culture of Western civilization [is] arguably one of the most lasting achievements of that civilization and one in which the greatest treasure of sentiment has been instilled.”  The arts, beautiful music, food, and wine, the cultural identity we share, was bequeathed to us and it’s worth celebrating and preserving.  By valuing it, we give it to the next generation.   If we let it wither and die, it is forever lost. 

Shiloh Manor Farm partners with world class faculty – musicians from the Johns Hopkins University Peabody Conservatory to present quarterly chamber music programs.  You can check videos of our chamber music performance/dinner events by click HERE.

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